This 95 Year Old Woman Says Smoking Cannabis Is The Secret To A Long And Happy Life


Melita Gordon doesn’t look like much at first glance. The 95 year old Jamaican woman stands well below five feet tall.

Incredibly, one of her claims of longevity is the fact that she has actively smoked marijuana since she was just 10 years old and still does to this day. Even with her advanced age, she doesn’t intend to stop.

“When mi goes a doctor he say him ah tell mi fi to stop smoke marijuana, because if mi stop, him a go lose mi,” Gordon told Green Rush Daily in an interview.

Gordon thinks that her habit, which is endorsed by her doctor, is what’s lead her to nearly 100 years of life. She thinks if she stops, she might end up dying sooner.

Gordon got started with cannabis at a young age. She grew up in a Rastafari household and, as far back as she can remember, she was lighting pipes for older family members. Since her “baptizing” in marijuana, she hasn’t stopped consuming.

Not everyone is pleased with her smoking habit though. Gordon’s daughter wants her to quit, even offering to reduce her own consumption of her mother does it. But Gordon isn’t letting up. She loves cannabis and isn’t about to let it go.

For her whole life, even through prohibition of cannabis, she stuck up for her habit.

She was called the “Pipe Lady” at the banana boxing plant she worked at and wouldn’t hesitate to defend her smoking.

Godon’s late husband survived to the age of 100 and didn’t smoke any marijuana, so maybe it’s something in their family. He always respected her smoking habit.

“He never smoke at all, the only thing him do was drink beer, but he never try force mi fi stop,” she said of her husband.

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